Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Les Mills Quarterly in Houston

Here I am at the Les Mills Quarterly in Houston. With me are Susan Tolji and Steven Renata, Master trainers from New Zealand. They had the quarterly (quarterlies are opportunities to get fitness ce while getting your ass kicked) at the Post Oak Y. Since I used to teach classes there, it was fun to go back and see a few folks that I know. My friend Cecelia let me spend the night with her. Her house isn't far from the POY, so it was perfect. I stayed up late though, drinking wine and talking, forgetting that I would lose an hour of sleep very soon. Cecelia and her husband Mike both got up early and made me coffee and a little breakfast. Cecelia even packed a couple of cookies and a bottle of water for later in the day. I took a total of five different classes. I could have stayed for two more, but I was pretty tapped out after that. Monday morning, I didn't hurt too bad. As I was driving around Austin, Tonia called me and asked if I could teach her 545pm Body Pump as she was a bit sore after all she did in Houston. I said "no problem" as I bragged (too soon) that I wasn't sore at all. Something happened from the time I got in my car until I got out again - I hurt all over and couldn't believe I had agreed to teach. I had a dentist appointment just before teaching, just a cleaning, but still painful. By the time it was time for me to teach, everything was good again, as my mouth hurt worse than everything else.

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