Wednesday, November 25, 2009


It IS official today and we are still friends and friendly.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Not The Most Interesting Man in the World...

This is what I had to send out to my co-workers to get out of an on-call obligation so that Pierre and I can take care of business:
(yes, I got it covered, along with several humerous responses)
...but interesting in his own way:

His name is Pierre.

He is 6'2" and 220

He is Argentine.

He works in the Middle East.

When he's on the rig, the rednecks call him "Paco"

He looks like he could be Middle Eastern, so he always finds himself sitting between two air marshals, when he is flying.

When he is stateside, he drives a jeep. The smallest driving mistake causes people to curse him and call him a "redneck"

Being Argentine, he speaks Spanish, but his accent is so heavy, he always needs a translator in Mexican restaurants

Liberals hate him because he is drilling.

Conservatives hate him because he is drilling, but NOT in Alaska

He has been married to me for 10 years.

We need my OCP covered on Monday, November 16, 3rd up, so we can officially part ways.

Please help, for Pierre's sake.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Dry Food

The leftovers from my deck roof made a nice portable cover for my chicken feeder, don't you think?

Stingy Jack

Listening to NPR in my car, I did not have a chance to hear the answer to" "what vegetable was originally used as a jack o'lantern?" So I had to look it up. Turns out it is a turnip and comes from the Legend of Stingy Jack.
But is it really a turnip or a rutabega? According to my research, the "turnip" in the legend refers to a "swede" which is a yellow turnip, or rutabega.
I made my own Stingy Jack of the lantern-type lantern from a turnip. Don't you think it's cute? The tale has Jack wandering the earth because he couldn't get into heaven or hell, and the Irish made their lanterns to keep Stingy Jack away. I am sure they worked, because a turnip lantern is stink-ee! So next year, make a bunch of lanterns from turnips instead of pumpkins and it will keep the trick-or-treaters away. A new tradition.

The Finished Product

Ta da!