Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Butterflys and The Bees

A couple of weeks ago, this is what was happening in the back yard.
These are the early variety of peach
tree. The others have yet to bloom, but I think they have all survived the drought. I gave each of
them water 20 minutes at a time, at a very slow rate at least once a week last year. I explained to these poor trees that they would have to be strong and make it through the drought with only the minimum of assistance from me. So under the stress of drought, they have also had to fend off insects and disease. At least one of the trees has antler scrapings from deer. Anyway, wish I could have gotten a really clear picture of the bees. There were so many and they were so busy. Funny thing that while I was watching these guys, I was talking to my friend Wendy and she knows about bees. She left her beehive at her mother's house and she's thinking about getting into bees again. I encouraged her and promised to split expenses. Do we need a farm???? Oh, retirement, where are you!?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Yogurt Chickens

Look at these girls eating/drinking yogurt. They go absolutely crazy over it. It is a tie with grapes. And Cy, the big egg was a double-yolker. I got to see Retta crack it open. They were getting ready to make cream puffs. Sadly, I had to go to work before they even got started. Sigh....

Saturday, February 21, 2009

New Outdoor Coop

Here is my new outdoor chicken coop that I completed today. It was a big challenge as the building supply store that carries the right size of chicken mesh, only had two rolls. Then, I didn't buy enough T-posts. I should have used taller ones, but I don't think I could have gotten them in the ground.
Another thing the chickens like: yogurt!! I bought them groats, but they turned up their beaks at the groats. It is so funny to watch them eat the yogurt and see yogurt all over their faces.
Back to the new coop. The other day some stray dogs got in the yard and chased the chickens and nearly ate Rosie. I had to build them a new safe place to stay and give them plenty of room to move. Also, they have been making a mess in the neighbors flower beds by tearing up the mulch, so it's good they are getting locked up before all the tender plants and flowers start coming up.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Okay gang. I have increased my blogging. You may think it is just a fluke. Let's see who is reading. If you read this you are required to vote yes or no. Is the egg in the middle going to be a double-yoker? It's huge! We used to fight over the ones we thought would be doubles. Make your guess/prediction. After I give these eggs to Suz and crew, we will let Retta make the discovery.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Lost and Found

This is what I found when I went to feed the pugs - NO PUGS!!!!
I went looking. The back gate was open. I started down the street and gave a whistle. A lady walking towards me with a large black and white three-legged dog on a leash (how funny that I had just returned from someone else's house with a similar dog): "Are you looking for some Pugs?"

What luck! The nice lady found the pugs roaming around the neighborhood earlier in the day. She posted the found pugs on the neighborhood yahoo group. They bought leashes for the pugs (they had taken them to a pet store (?) because they weren't wearing their leashes and had them checked for chips) and fed them. I went with her to her house and brought the two boys home. Gave them their food - they acted like they hadn't eaten in a week. I also put their collars back on, closed the gate and put a rubber band over the latch. I would have taken them home with me, but I wasn't expecting to do that and knew I wouldn't be able to pug proof my yard in the dark. I promised them some fresh eggs. I am sure Suzy will hook them up, too. Seemed like their dog, Elliot, enjoyed the Pug visit.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Suz and crew brought these flowers with them on Wednesday when they came to collect eggs and shoot "Egg Tacos" Retta Show. Totally unecessary, but they sure are pretty! I really appreciate them. I planted three of this variety (not the poppies, but the other one that I forgot the name of) and the deer LOVED them - ripped them right out of the ground and ate off the tops. This is a lovely bouquet and really brightens up the kitchen. And such a cute container, too. Oh, and the chickens, 6 eggs yesterday, 7 today. Some of the girls are laying an egg a day!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Darwin's 200th Birthday

Here's a link to some important work Darwin did. It is related to Suzy's Christmas present.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I drove to Houston for a meeting. It was less than 30 minutes. At the end of the meeting, what most people were waiting for: "Okay, bar's open!"
I left. My timing was perfect. I listened to weather warnings from about Hruska's. At Brodie, I hit big rain drops. At Monterey Oaks, high wind. At the "Y", wind, rain and visibility of about 2 car lengths. The last time I drove through weather like this (while NOT on duty) was Hurricane Juan (I picked up a soaked, black leather-clad hitchhiker somewhere between NO and BR and dropped him off at Highway 6 and I-10. He had hitchhiked to NO because he had never seen a hurricane before and wanted to see one. Hey it was scary and I needed company and he was scary, but less scary than the storm. But I digress). By the time I got to my front door, it was a nice soft rain.


Look what's growing! From bare-root to this in about 10 days. At this rate, we'll have BeeBop-A-ReeBop-A-Rhubarb Pie by March.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Paul's 40th Bday Camping Weekend Highlights

This is Bjorn. He invited me to fish from his boat. After catching only a small number of too-small-to-keep fish, I repaid him by pulling a boneheaded move. He was a good sport and insisted on a picture before cutting off SOME of the lure. The rest he would remove some 3 hours later.
This is Clifford after taking a mud bath. I think it was the secret intention of his mother, so that she could later Baptise him in the Colorado River.

Isn't this precious? I wanted to take a lot more pictures, but forgot the darn camera when we hiked to the "falls".
It was a wonderful, mostly sunny, warm days, cool nights, tastey, and memorable weekend.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tri-Color Eggs

Alright. Helen laid the green egg today. Helen is the smallest chicken and is an all white Ameraucauna. These are the three colors. The dark brown are from the Australorp and the lighter brown from the Barred Plymoth Rock.

Monday, February 2, 2009


I will work on the focus later. You must try this stuff. Kamut. I bought some at Sun Harvest today. I was looking for a treat for my chickens and came across this. I cooked it. The chickens LOVED it. I had mine with some butter and sea salt. Did I mention that it is organic? All, or nearly all of it grown is organically. I will definitely be buying and cooking much, much more of this.