Monday, December 29, 2008

The Girls - All nine of them

Alright, here is a pic of the girls. I will TRY to put up a more recent pic as this one was taken a couple of months ago. These little ladies are so awesome. I have seen them eat a snake, chase a squirel and go crazy over cockroaches from the compost pile (kind of creeped me out). I worry about them all the time. I mean ALL. THE. TIME. My girls are also heroes. A couple of weeks ago, I got called into work at 0600 and wasn't able to let them out before work. It was a foggy morning and people could not stop running into each other and sliding off the road into things: included in the mayhem were two wrecks into guardrails, a car sliding under a school bus loaded with high-schoolers, and 3 others not worth recalling. At about 1000, I had permission from the on-duty commander in my area to go to my house to check on my chickens (my house is in the response district of the unit I was called into, or this would NEVER have happened). After releasing the girls, and on our way back to our station, we were first on scene of a rollover that trapped one of the occupants - very close to the house - this would not have happened had we been in station. While not violating HIPPA, I can tell you that although the person was trapped in the wreckage, it was only by a limb, turned out not to be so serious and a complete recovery is expected. Next time, that person will wear a seat belt.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


So, ah, Cy mentioned that I haven't blogged in a while. He also said I didn't explain the difference between "hydro" and "wet". So, here it is, a two-in-one and probably not entirely and/or exactly correct since I am not an expert in this area. "Hydro" is what users call hydroponically grown marijuana. It is supposed to be "good stuff". "Wet" on the other hand, are marijuana cigs that have been soaked in formaldahyde (sp?), or PCP, or god knows what - maybe Juan Valdez's mule's piss. The inexperienced should not confuse these two, because when they start to feel "funny" the first thing they do is call 911. Which I thought the point of people doing drugs was so that they would feel funny. Conincidentally, we were called again the other night for someone who smoked and then felt funny and called 911. Here is a clue: the caller is waiting outside and doesn't let you in their house. They "know" their supplier - their supplier is "in the family." (Yes, if you do drugs and call us, we are going to ask you if you know your dealer and if we can keep a straight face, if you trust your dealer. Trusted drug dealer - an oxymoron). Odds are, they are growing their own, their house is filled with drugs, or porn or both. Don't people realize that if everyone who did a little dope called 911, 10 City busses wouldn't be enough to hold them all?This is when I want to grab them by the shoulders, give them a good shake and say, "maybe crack/marijuana/alcohol/meth/heroine isn't your thing." Why can't bitch-slap be a treatment protocol?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Google, Please

Once again, without violating HIPPA, I offer some helpful info. Google people. You can find out important stuff. For example a "patient" we saw the other night, made me suspicious about several things they said. They ended up refusing transport to a medical facility, but I had to say several times: "no. that's not what I said. I said..." "...okay, this police officer and my partner are witnesses, I said..." "... not..." So I googled that person today and lo and behold, they had filed legal things against police officers and paramedics in other Texas cities and other States.

In a related theme, please know your drug dealer. There is a difference between hydro and wet. A big difference. Enough to scare the user.
Also, if you do use, especially regularly, and the last time you used was "a long time ago, " one hour is not a long time ago.

I know if you are reading this, none of it applies to you, but you can pass it along.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Found One!

Well actually I found several. But here is one of the first pumpkins. Look to the left of the baby pumpkin. Can you see the nasty stuff lurking in the background? I put on disposable gloves and yanked that one and a few more.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

What Smells Like a Salad Bar in a Massage Parlour?

Suzy's car, that's what. I was cleaning my car, so I just did them both. Feeling a lot better and a little more energetic, cloudy skies, cooler weather, a bare sprinkle instead of the expected downpour and see what can happen! Anticipating that Suz wouldn't appreciate chemicals, I used a vinegar and water mixture with a few drops of lavender oil. After the vinegar evaporates, it pretty much leaves the lavender scent... pretty much.

In spite of the heat and little rain, look how the pumpkin patch is coming along. I am sure it is because Suzy touched the seeds. Everything she touches turns green and thrives.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

When is it good to NOT have a gallbladder?

When these little boogers have attacked you, it is good NOT to have a gallbladder. I can't or at least haven't yet proved that I contracted salmonella. According to several sites I checked, salmonella poisoning using goes away on its own, in fact, most people don't even know that is what they had. Some people can become carriers. The treatment is antibiotics and removal of the gallbladder. Apparently, the gallbladder is a nice cozy place for salmonella.

Friday, August 1, 2008

"This is going to sound a little funny..."

"...just pick it up about 6 or 7 inches, (trust me, I have given these instructions many times), and give it a good shake!" This is the technician at Dell giving me instructions on my printer. About a month after I purchased it, it started making a LOUD clacking noise when I turned it on. It was really difficult to get through to someone over the past few months, alsways being transferred and calls dropped and etc. It didn't fix it. Neither did unplugging it, restarting it or anything else they suggested. But, it's not a problem, right? It copies and scans and doesn't make noises when it does that, right? Right. Obviously, you people at Dell know this printer has this problem. I pointed this out and the fact that if they were driving a new car that suddenly started making a strange noise, they would keep driving it until it was FUBAR, right? You know the noise isn't supposed to be there and is a portent of the breakdown to come, so just send me a new printer.
Well they are, but it is "refurbished." In Dell lingo, reburbished doesn't mean used. It means technicians have opened the box and put the thing through it's paces (because they KNOW this one has problems?), in an attempt to make sure you get one with no problems. The new printer arrived. We'll see.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Everybody Loves My Bag... Now.

This is my favorite blue "shopping bag." I have had it now for almost ten years! It was a gimme from a forgotten event. I have been carrying it and using it before it was fashionable to do so, evoking sighs and eyes rolled skyward from many a supermarket check-out clerk. But NOW, they often say: "What a cool bag!"
I have lots of bags. I use this one the most. When I do a lot of shopping, I put all my veggies and fruits in this bag. What is the point of using a reusable bag if you are only going to fill it with a bunch of little plastic produce bags? So I put the onions and potatoes in first and anything else that won't get too squished. then everything goes in according to it's squishability. I hate those little stickers on my produce and I sure don't like adding another one. (Thanks to Suzy and her CSA, I don't have to put up with too many). I take those stickers and fold them in half, hand them to the checker with the bag and let them know that these are the stickers for the 8 things in my bag. Most checkers love this. (I used to stick the stickers back to back, but it really messed up the fast checkers and things tended to get scanned twice). Most checkers think this is a grand idea. The grumpy and/or suspicious checker is now a rarity.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Pumpkin Patch Update

Suzy threw the seeds in on Sunday. Tuesday afternoon there was nothing. While I was gone saving lives (we saved the same life twice after midnight, so I'm sleeping after this post), look what happened:

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I know, I know. I said to check back Thursday. But Pierre was back by then and all Hell broke loose - which is what happens whenever Pierre is here. Ejole, Mi marido...

In any case, I have to look at my planner to remember what we did on Thursday. I am sure I was asleep when Pierre arrived. The natives were not nice to us at M28. Be advised, if you call me at 0200 because you have a boil on your a__, I am NOT looking at it. I AM NOT a doctor and boils on your butt are not covered in my pre-hospital protocols. Pierre went with me to the gym while I taught Body Pump. Then we met the Johnsons and friends at Zilker for Beauty and the Beast. Before the play started, we walked over to Chuy's for a margarita, ala C&K. (C&K - it was soooo much better than last year). Friday the 4th, I worked. Pierre was fed by Suz and crew and I got my a__ kicked again at work. It was pretty quiet until after the fireworks were over and then people kept rolling their vehicles over and stabbing each other. I got off work at 0400, home and asleep at 0500, up at 0730 and another Body Pump class at Bee Cave at 0815 (Bee Cave crew, you are such a bunch of wet blankets, except for the nice man who said I should be a radio anouncer, "no offense" intended, he said). We stopped by Retta's swim meet on the way to the Farmer's Market. I needed SLEEP. I did. Then I got up and cooked up some steaks and we drank beer and played scrabble in honor of C&K. Here are the results:

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Fun Stuff

I did all of this much earlier, but made a cheesecake tonight. So while waiting for it to cook and cool, I have add pictures of my two most fun projects today. One project for Suz and one for Paul. I have a project in mind for C&K, but you will have to check back on Thursday to see what it is

Sunday, June 22, 2008

A Quiz

What should you do if you are bit by a mosquito?

A. Call 911 immediately, as the mosquito might be carrying West Nile Virus.
B. Slap the mosquito and either go to an area with no mosquitoes or apply DEET.
C. Wait 8 hours and then call 911, just in case you might have an allergic reaction.
The correct answer below.
Here is a nice picture of my new deck off the master bedroom. It has nothing to do with the topic, but is a nice filler between the quiz and the answers. The Johnson kids like to sit out here after dinner.

A is not the correct answer. If you are that worried about West Nile Virus, you are going to develop PTSD from the incident and will require Prozac or Welbutrin just to maintain day to day. The upside is, you will no longer care about getting any kind of bites.

B is not the correct answer. It is only partly correct and depends on whether or not you would kill a mosquito in the first place.

C is the correct answer. By waiting 8 hours, (if you are indeed having an allergic reaction), you will have given yourself ample time to develop and exhibit all the signs of an allergic reaction. Not waiting could cause the paramedics to mistaken your mosquito bite for something else. Also, waiting will give the mosquito bite time to disappear, so that when the paramedics arrive they can spend some quality time with you attempting to locate it, while reassuring you that you aren’t likely going to die…today.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Cheaper by the dozen

I ordered a screen to cover my patio door so I can keep the bugs from coming in when I step out onto my new deck (maybe when it cools off). The box arrived
today and seemed really heavy for what I ordered. I was right.
They sent me 12 instead of just the one. At first I thought I must
have hit "enter" too many times, but no, the packing list had only
one and they only charged me for one. When I called customer
service to let them know that they had made a HUGE mistake,
they were more than happy to send FedEx back tomorrow
to pick up about $1000.00 worth of merchandise.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Watermelon Storage

"Yer not 'spossed to put that thang in the fridge!"
A former co-worker grew up on a watermelon plantation in DeePee Texas (deep east). He informed us that the proper way to store a watermelon before you cut it, is in the cupboard. It is perferred that you eat the whole thing as soon as it is cut, but if not, you can store the rest in the fridge.
Consider yourself informed.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Mulch Mountains

See those mountains next to those trees? That is what is left of one heck of a lot of cedar trees. My nice neighbor, John, cut down many trees and then hauled a shredder to his back yard. Between John, a couple of hired hands and myself (much less from me than from anyone else), trees and branches were hauled and dragged to the shredder. Even though I wore long sleeves, long pants, socks over my cuffs, gloves, a hat and showered TWICE with poison ivy soap, I still have stray poison ivy spots and the last vestiges of bruises. That was Memorial Day weekend that we did this. Can you say party?
And then there is the rose bush Cy and Kimberly gave me last year. It is pretty happy in this spot. Since the picture was taken, it produced a TON of blooms, which I did not capture due to other happenings that I will relate later.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Retta's Birthday Party Day

It isn't Retta's Birthday until next week, but that doesn't stop the party from happening at the pool on a Saturday. Most of the usual suspects are on hand, waiting anxiously for Retta to blow out the candles so those cupcakes can be cut into tiny pieces to feed the horde. Okay, not really, there were plenty more cupcakes so no one had to share.

Clifford, the Birthday Party Day Girls' Brother, shares some serious talk with Grandma Kay.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The New Chairs

Here they are.

I didn't intend to buy these today and I didn't care if they matched the table or the bench. But look - they are perfect! I got rid of the old bench because it had a wobbly arm. R&C were often in danger of toppling over the arms of the old bench and S was worried that one of them would break an arm (on the bench). Problem solved. Here is a nice bench with no arms. No back either. I ran into S at the World Market and she was just leaving and had a coupon which I used to save a good chunk of change. Now I am going to make some pretty blue and white cushions for the chairs. I have an old egg crate that S&P left behind, so these cushions will cost me about 50 cents instead of the $25 to $75 they want for a simple pillow or cushion just about anywhere you go.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

You Won't Believe It

No, you won't. Well, you won't believe I am posting. But look at this plant!!! It is growing!!!!!!!!

I am so excited - can you tell? When I planted it, I dug, nay, shaved a place in the ground. It stayed multi-colored and never seemed to change at all. I worried. Did I did the hole deep enough? Wide enough? Too much water? Too little? And now look!!!

And for your viewing pleasure, two fireflies, caught on film. Open the firefly photos all the way for the full effect

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Explorer or Traveler?

I heard someone say that if you know where you are going, it's traveling and if you don't know the destination, it is exploring. I think I have done a lot more exploring than traveling...

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

"The Quickest Way...

" die," someone said, "is to be born." This always makes me think of people who are afraid to live. They never do anything because they are so worried about dying. A new study done in Great Brittian, suggests that people who exercise are younger on a molecular level, than those who don't.
BTW, is it wrong for a paramedic to say to an anxious patient (after a thorough exam), "The bad news is, you are going to die, (pause) the good news is, not today."

Monday, January 21, 2008


I don't have anything in particular to blog about. Had a good shift at work today. A little crazy, but nothing I can be specific about without getting into trouble. Well I can tell you that we had a SB that went to a 1st degree, then a 3rd degree, then Afib, then LBBB and finally a STEMI! I did come home to find that Suzy left me the most fabulous roast beef, potatoes, rice and carrots. It was so yummy! Well worth waiting for and made me so glad I did not stop somewhere for supper before getting off work at 10.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

How to Make Yogurt

Here is a pic of my yummy yogurt. this is about 3/4 of a gallon of
whole milk. It turned out nice and sweet. You can make it with
any milk, whole, 2%, 1% or fat free. It is so easy and CHEAP.
Make a lot and then substitute it for any recipe that calls for
buttermilk, sourmilk or sour cream. I used in a recipe for Lemon
Pound cake that turned out quite nice. Got the idea for the pound
cake from a Statesman article about a lady who uses pound cake
for her Petit Fours.

2 quarts milk
¼ cup yogurt

Let yogurt come to room temp.
Pour milk into a pan and place over a medium heat. Scald. This takes about 30 minutes or until the milk reaches 200°F. You will know the milk is scalded when there is a film across the top. I never used to use a thermometer and it always turned out just fine. Be careful not to burn the milk. Once scalded, allow to cool to lukewarm (135-140). If the milk is too cold, the culture will not grow and if it is too warm the culture will die.
Pour milk into glass or ceramic bowl, stir in yogurt and set bowl in a warm place (120) for 8 to 12 hours. If you don’t have a warm place, heat your oven to warm, turn off and then place bowl in oven overnight. Some gas ovens are perfect for this as they tend to stay warm. Refrigerate the finished product, which will stay fresh for 1 to 2 weeks. To make thicker, pour into several layers of cheesecloth in a sieve and place over a bowl.

Friday, January 18, 2008

More Funny Medical Director Stuff

Every Friday our Medical Director sends notes for the week, but he always tries to keep a little humor mixed in with the serious. No offense, CC.

This was taken from the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office publication “The Point of View.” In a murder trial, the defense attorney was cross-examining a pathologist. Here’s what happened:
Attorney: Before you signed the death certificate, had you taken the pulse?
Coroner: No.
Attorney: Did you listen to the heart?
Coroner: No.
Attorney: Did you check for breathing?
Coroner: No.
Attorney: So, when you signed the death certificate you weren’t sure the man was dead, were you?
Coroner: Well, let me put it this way. The man’s brain was sitting in a jar on my desk. But I guess it’s possible he could be out there practicing law somewhere.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Marble Falls 100 Club

Tonight the Austin Travis County EMS Bike Team got another award. This was a plaque in recognition of our ride from NYC to Roanoke. Susan is a commander, that is why she has a blue uniform. Mark's fancy duds are because he is a member of the Honor Guard.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Palm Tree

Here is the palm tree. Stuck in the ground with lots of good mulch and dirt other than what came out of the hole. It looks absolutely fantastic. The picture dosen't do it justice. I hope to add other green things around it. Suz dropped by a couple of Agave plants and another flower. I will throw those in when I figure out where I can put them that I won't regret later. Tonight, S&P also brought by the big grass clumps from their driveway. The grass isn't exactly Pampas grass, but I plan to put it along the side of the house so as to block the view from the neighbor to the south.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

New Year

No, I didn't make any New Year's resolutions...officially. But I have planned out several posts over the next few weeks. Today is a picture of a new project. Later in the week, I will publish "How to Make Fresh Yogurt." After that I am starting a once a month winner of the "You Called 911 Because ????!!" I will not violate HIPPA for those posts. Until then:

Here is a pic of the hole I shaved in the ground to accommodate the beautiful palm Suz dug up out of their yard. At least I was encouraged when I got to the bottom and found roots from other plants. This soil is so compact I was worried about trying to grow anything there. When I get the rest of my dream deck built, this little tree will be the beginning of a lush, year-round green spot. This spot will require little watering and yet not be overly flammable since it is close to the house. Yes, I tested this palm. I struck a match to one of it’s apparently drier leaves. It wouldn’t light. So then I lit about 5 matches at once and held them there until the leaf caught fire. But as soon as the matches were removed, the fire died out. I’ll publish the palm pic tomorrow.