Thursday, August 28, 2008

Google, Please

Once again, without violating HIPPA, I offer some helpful info. Google people. You can find out important stuff. For example a "patient" we saw the other night, made me suspicious about several things they said. They ended up refusing transport to a medical facility, but I had to say several times: "no. that's not what I said. I said..." "...okay, this police officer and my partner are witnesses, I said..." "... not..." So I googled that person today and lo and behold, they had filed legal things against police officers and paramedics in other Texas cities and other States.

In a related theme, please know your drug dealer. There is a difference between hydro and wet. A big difference. Enough to scare the user.
Also, if you do use, especially regularly, and the last time you used was "a long time ago, " one hour is not a long time ago.

I know if you are reading this, none of it applies to you, but you can pass it along.

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