Thursday, December 4, 2008


So, ah, Cy mentioned that I haven't blogged in a while. He also said I didn't explain the difference between "hydro" and "wet". So, here it is, a two-in-one and probably not entirely and/or exactly correct since I am not an expert in this area. "Hydro" is what users call hydroponically grown marijuana. It is supposed to be "good stuff". "Wet" on the other hand, are marijuana cigs that have been soaked in formaldahyde (sp?), or PCP, or god knows what - maybe Juan Valdez's mule's piss. The inexperienced should not confuse these two, because when they start to feel "funny" the first thing they do is call 911. Which I thought the point of people doing drugs was so that they would feel funny. Conincidentally, we were called again the other night for someone who smoked and then felt funny and called 911. Here is a clue: the caller is waiting outside and doesn't let you in their house. They "know" their supplier - their supplier is "in the family." (Yes, if you do drugs and call us, we are going to ask you if you know your dealer and if we can keep a straight face, if you trust your dealer. Trusted drug dealer - an oxymoron). Odds are, they are growing their own, their house is filled with drugs, or porn or both. Don't people realize that if everyone who did a little dope called 911, 10 City busses wouldn't be enough to hold them all?This is when I want to grab them by the shoulders, give them a good shake and say, "maybe crack/marijuana/alcohol/meth/heroine isn't your thing." Why can't bitch-slap be a treatment protocol?

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