Sunday, June 22, 2008

A Quiz

What should you do if you are bit by a mosquito?

A. Call 911 immediately, as the mosquito might be carrying West Nile Virus.
B. Slap the mosquito and either go to an area with no mosquitoes or apply DEET.
C. Wait 8 hours and then call 911, just in case you might have an allergic reaction.
The correct answer below.
Here is a nice picture of my new deck off the master bedroom. It has nothing to do with the topic, but is a nice filler between the quiz and the answers. The Johnson kids like to sit out here after dinner.

A is not the correct answer. If you are that worried about West Nile Virus, you are going to develop PTSD from the incident and will require Prozac or Welbutrin just to maintain day to day. The upside is, you will no longer care about getting any kind of bites.

B is not the correct answer. It is only partly correct and depends on whether or not you would kill a mosquito in the first place.

C is the correct answer. By waiting 8 hours, (if you are indeed having an allergic reaction), you will have given yourself ample time to develop and exhibit all the signs of an allergic reaction. Not waiting could cause the paramedics to mistaken your mosquito bite for something else. Also, waiting will give the mosquito bite time to disappear, so that when the paramedics arrive they can spend some quality time with you attempting to locate it, while reassuring you that you aren’t likely going to die…today.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Cheaper by the dozen

I ordered a screen to cover my patio door so I can keep the bugs from coming in when I step out onto my new deck (maybe when it cools off). The box arrived
today and seemed really heavy for what I ordered. I was right.
They sent me 12 instead of just the one. At first I thought I must
have hit "enter" too many times, but no, the packing list had only
one and they only charged me for one. When I called customer
service to let them know that they had made a HUGE mistake,
they were more than happy to send FedEx back tomorrow
to pick up about $1000.00 worth of merchandise.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Watermelon Storage

"Yer not 'spossed to put that thang in the fridge!"
A former co-worker grew up on a watermelon plantation in DeePee Texas (deep east). He informed us that the proper way to store a watermelon before you cut it, is in the cupboard. It is perferred that you eat the whole thing as soon as it is cut, but if not, you can store the rest in the fridge.
Consider yourself informed.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Mulch Mountains

See those mountains next to those trees? That is what is left of one heck of a lot of cedar trees. My nice neighbor, John, cut down many trees and then hauled a shredder to his back yard. Between John, a couple of hired hands and myself (much less from me than from anyone else), trees and branches were hauled and dragged to the shredder. Even though I wore long sleeves, long pants, socks over my cuffs, gloves, a hat and showered TWICE with poison ivy soap, I still have stray poison ivy spots and the last vestiges of bruises. That was Memorial Day weekend that we did this. Can you say party?
And then there is the rose bush Cy and Kimberly gave me last year. It is pretty happy in this spot. Since the picture was taken, it produced a TON of blooms, which I did not capture due to other happenings that I will relate later.