Friday, February 23, 2007

Rodeo Time - In Houston That Is

Heading out to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo for the BBQ, right after my noon Group Cycle class. Got the house clean and ready to come home to nice clean sheets. BBQ ought to be jumping tonight since the weather is quite nice. The BBQ is a great place to watch people who come to walk around acres of booths in brand new boots. The Hoochie girls still wear their stillettos and short skirts, even when it's cold. Pregnant women come to see if they can go into labor early. Asthmatics like to see how much smoke and dust they can breathe in and how many hits can they do with their inhaler before they need us. Diabetics leave their meds at home and go waaayy off their diets. People who never drink like to see how much they can drink before they stop breathing. The cooks try to slice off body parts into their special dishes because they forget that the BEER was the secret ingredient and was supposed to go into the recipe, not them. And people run into knives and do other silly things. It's gonna be fun. I'll let you know.

1 comment:

Casa De Galletti said...

I love the EMT take on the rodeo!