Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Departed...leave it alone

Five minutes after posting that the Kitty hadn't used her new litter box, my fastidious feline gave it a wizzzz, so to speak. All is well.
Just finished watching The Departed. Yeah, it is a good movie, but don't watch it Suzy, you won't like it. I could have done without all of the gratutitous (sp?) violence. I've seen plenty of the real deal, but still don't like movies that graphically depict it. What's the point? We all have imaginations far worse than anything "they" can produce. I like a good story line, but it loses it's punch when I have to cover my eyes every 5 minutes (that's 20 times for just one movie), and covering my eyes doesn't block the sound effects. Nuff said. Watch at your own risk.

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