Saturday, August 18, 2007

Au Natural

I do take short cuts now and then, but I am careful about what I use. I can honestly say that I have NEVER bought a box of Hamburger Helper, for instance. At work the other day, in front of about 10 of my co-workers, one of them asked if the pie crust I made for the peach pie on the grill was homemade or frozen. My response: anyone have a rock?
Food is serious business.


Casa De Galletti said...

I used to cook my chili in bulk so that I had single servings around but haven't done that in ages. You've shamed me into doing it again. I'll freeze it in flat bags so that it will defrost/cook quickly so the kids don't have to wait long for their chili & cheese hot dogs.

Cheryl said...

Great idea. I can't wait to try your chili. When things settle down (who am I kidding) you will have to bring your family over for chili. Okay, let's do this - how about when it cools off, I'll make a big pot of chili and corn bread for everyone? And cinnamon rolls for desert.