Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Suz and Paul brought Retta and Cliff to RBJ just as Santa was arriving via one of our new Sprinter Ambulances. The "elf" almost didn't get the door open to let Santa out, but the driver was able to bypass the security system and Santa popped out. Here are Retta and Cliff with Santa. They were the last to arrive, but Santa found their presents first!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Rhode Island Reds
Picked up 4 pretty girls today. Red, Ruby, Scarlet and Cherry. I will try to post pics tomorrow. Tomorrow - a new water heater - maybe.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Not The Most Interesting Man in the World...
This is what I had to send out to my co-workers to get out of an on-call obligation so that Pierre and I can take care of business:
(yes, I got it covered, along with several humerous responses)
...but interesting in his own way:
His name is Pierre.
He is 6'2" and 220
He is Argentine.
He works in the Middle East.
When he's on the rig, the rednecks call him "Paco"
He looks like he could be Middle Eastern, so he always finds himself sitting between two air marshals, when he is flying.
When he is stateside, he drives a jeep. The smallest driving mistake causes people to curse him and call him a "redneck"
Being Argentine, he speaks Spanish, but his accent is so heavy, he always needs a translator in Mexican restaurants
Liberals hate him because he is drilling.
Conservatives hate him because he is drilling, but NOT in Alaska
He has been married to me for 10 years.
We need my OCP covered on Monday, November 16, 3rd up, so we can officially part ways.
Please help, for Pierre's sake.
(yes, I got it covered, along with several humerous responses)
...but interesting in his own way:
His name is Pierre.
He is 6'2" and 220
He is Argentine.
He works in the Middle East.
When he's on the rig, the rednecks call him "Paco"
He looks like he could be Middle Eastern, so he always finds himself sitting between two air marshals, when he is flying.
When he is stateside, he drives a jeep. The smallest driving mistake causes people to curse him and call him a "redneck"
Being Argentine, he speaks Spanish, but his accent is so heavy, he always needs a translator in Mexican restaurants
Liberals hate him because he is drilling.
Conservatives hate him because he is drilling, but NOT in Alaska
He has been married to me for 10 years.
We need my OCP covered on Monday, November 16, 3rd up, so we can officially part ways.
Please help, for Pierre's sake.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Stingy Jack
Listening to NPR in my car, I did not have a chance to hear the answer to" "what vegetable was originally used as a jack o'lantern?" So I had to look it up. Turns out it is a turnip and comes from the Legend of Stingy Jack.
But is it really a turnip or a rutabega? According to my research, the "turnip" in the legend refers to a "swede" which is a yellow turnip, or rutabega.
I made my own Stingy Jack of the lantern-type lantern from a turnip. Don't you think it's cute? The tale has Jack wandering the earth because he couldn't get into heaven or hell, and the Irish made their lanterns to keep Stingy Jack away. I am sure they worked, because a turnip lantern is stink-ee! So next year, make a bunch of lanterns from turnips instead of pumpkins and it will keep the trick-or-treaters away. A new tradition.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Keeping Chicken Poop off the Deck
Finally, I was able to do a little work on the deck. Here's the new gate. I'm throwing away as little as possible. Roof to come.
This is "Launch" week at the gym. New music. They decided to do an 80's theme and wouldn't it be great if we all dressed the part. Okay, it's not over the top, but here it is. This is Cherie.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The Door and a New Roof
A few weeks ago I was able to put up a new roof (it was while I was buying those supplies that I did the damage to my car). Well, here it is and it works really well. Also, this is my auto door, set on a timer, it opens in the am and closes at night after the girls have gone to bed. I love this new door even though it was a challenge for me to install. At about $400.00, it was something I sure did not want to mess up.
The Luck!
Even though a part for my Element was on back order and not available until December 10, they got one and all of the work was finished. I waited until the end of the day and because I did, I did not have to ride back in the rental with the stinky guy. I just left the rental at the dealer. Got my oil change and a new air filter, too.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
So, I did damage to the ELement. It was a drivewway with an unfinished curb and I did not see the culvert in the rain. From the scars on the culvert. Neither have a bunch of other people. So I took it to the car to the dealer but the rental car dreiver smelled like one of my homeless patients!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
New And Improved
Here is the new and improved Kayak Rack. After Suz, Retta and Cliff left today, I made icing, dusted and mopped, cleaned the dishes from the fondant I made, and drank half of my free lemonade. (CM had free lemonade, a baguette, and cesar salad if you purchased a rotisserie chicken). Then I proceeded to make another kayak rack. The 1/2 inch pvc did not work well. It was too thin and I was unable to make it level. This one is level - pretty much. I think it looks much better, don't you? I did have to leave and buy more screws as I had used up all of the long ones on the chicken coop. It was fun to build this, but a challenge to level by oneself.
Warning: I am going to build more things!!
I finished up the lemonade. Now I am ready to make icing flowers. I will have to control myself on the icing as I have already overloaded on sugar with the lemonade. It was yummy and didn't taste too sweet and did not have a wierd after taste, but I feel gittery so I will have to have some bedtime tea while I make the flowers.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
When Coffee Smells Like Cat Piss
Suz's post about coofy got me to wondering why Italian roast smells like cat piss to me. And another thing that smells like cat piss is the milk section at the local HEB. When I open the door to get my milk, the odor is incredibly strong. So I wonder if they put cats in there to get the mice or do they spray cat piss to keep the mice away?
Friday, July 17, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Chicken Mahal
Here is the finished product! Well, it is not a "Mahal" compared to the things that other people build for their chickens, but it is done. Mostly. I redid the fence and took out the mobile chicken coop so now the chickens have lots more space. This time, the fence was much, much easier. This is due to the fact that I still have Suzy and Paul's Texas Toothpick. What a great tool to prepare the ground for the T-posts!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Almost There
Here are some pics from last week. I hope to post later today or tonight, the final pics. As of this posting, the thing is finally completed, but I haven't taken the other pics yet. These pics show the side opening that allows for cleaning. Those little plate things are life-savers for people like me who have no idea what they are doing, but realize that SOMETHING is needed to hold things together.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
It's shake and bake... and I helped!
Think heavy Georgia accent. The show is "I didn't know I was pregnant until I delivered" or some such. I could understand a couple of them, but not the moms who already had 3 kids. What really got me was the anouncer's statement (with amazement!!) "... vaginally delivered without an epidural or any pain meds!!!!"
Imagine!!!!!! Can you even believe it?
In other news: I came home last night to the fan blowing HOT air. The compressor is out AGAIN!
Imagine!!!!!! Can you even believe it?
In other news: I came home last night to the fan blowing HOT air. The compressor is out AGAIN!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
More Coop Poop
Here are three pics of my progress from today. In my mind, I have already built this thing. In real life, it is a slow process. Of course it would help if I had plans and/or knew what I was doing.
Notice the door for accessing the nests. My goal is to make a very well ventilated coop. I think the heat is much more of an issue than the cold.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
San Diego
I had a great visit with Cy these last three days. The only thing that could have made it better was to have had Kimberly there. I could tell Cy was missing her.
Of course this means I will just have to make another trip very soon!
The weather was really nice and I only needed the one sweater I packed. We played disc golf and rode the bikes up to the cliffs (I felt like the wicked witch of the west riding in that upright way with a basket on the bike, even if it was on the front). Cy smoked me at Scrabble and I busted my ass on the beach on a mossy rock (you would think that I had learned better by now. Once again, I sacrificed my elbows to save my head). Cy cooked some super fantastic steak bites -twice! Rick and Celeste ate dinner with us one night. We went for a long hike to a waterfall that you wouldn't expect to find in the middle of a lot of rocks and dry looking stuff (I didn't fall this time), and Cy got to practice his snake handling skills three times. We had Mom's apple pie in Julian and fed C-Lo lots of yummy greens.
I can't figure out how to get Cy's picture off of my phone and onto here because the phone is NOT an I phone. I will try to post from the video later this week, but I have to buy a cable first. So, be looking for that and check back often.
In the meantime, here is the progress from before I left and a tiny bit tonight. I also had to put those rocks I told Cy about up there tonight as Suzy says something got in there and ate some eggs. Okay, Cy, I will see you and Kimberly soon!! I love you lots and lots and lots. XXXX OOO
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The New Coop
In the process of building the new coop - finally! I am building it and figuring each part out as I go. Yes, Paul, if the base looks familiar, it was in the garage. I moved it, flipped a couple of braces and cut the middle of course. I also built a kayak rack. The kayaks are chained together. They aren't theft proof, but I guarantee that anyone who wants them will have to work to get em.
I have included a picture of my cordless drill. It really should be up on a pedestal. What an awesome tool! No wonder grown men drool over these things.
And finally, pre-San Diego trip, Suz and crew stopped by with something to take and two bottles of IZZE. After a long hot day of working in the sun building a chicken coop, nothing, NOTHING was better than an ice cold IZZE sparkling raspberry yesterday. Today it was pomegranite. YUM!!!
Friday, June 5, 2009
AC and Aunt Char
So my AC was fixed yesteday. Just in time for the cool front of 30 minutes followed by warmer air, but at least low humidity.
I have to put down some memories of Aunt Char for her upcoming birthday celebration in July.
I am sure my whole family has many fond memories 'cause I think Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Wayne were a very popular pair (there were a total of 22 PAIRS of aunts and uncles in my family).
So here it is: Aunt Char and Uncle Wayne would come to visit us from "across the mountain." We lived in Sheridan, Wyoming and they lived in Greybull, Wyoming. Greybull is a 90+ mile drive through the Big Horn Mountains with many a hairpin turn and signs that say "look out for falling rock." My entire family always made a joke out of "Falling Rock" as if we were looking for an Indian... But I digress.
Uncle Wayne was a Brakeman for the Burlington Northern. He made trips all over the western states. Since our house was conveniently located next to the railroad tracks, we ran to wave at every train, always looking to see if the Engineer was Uncle Bill (Waddell - on my mother's side), or if the Brakeman was Uncle Wayne (Adamy - Aunt Char husband, Aunt Char being my father's sister.
I adored Aunt Char. Some of it may have had to do with the fact that I was always told that I was named after Aunt Char. Just the CH part I think, because Cheryl and Charlotte are not the same. Plus, I think my mother got loopy one day listening to Mickey Mouse with her 5 boys, so that when I was born, her first daughter, I got the name: Cheryl! Annette! But I digress...
I have never forgotten what Aunt Char said to me the first time I got to stay overnight (like a week or so) in Greybull. My mother had made a Marilyn Monroe style black and white polka dot dress for me. I know my mom was really proud of her handiwork. But the first thing Aunt Char said when I put that dress on, was: "You look just like a country girl dressed up to go to the City!" Mind you Greybull is a small town with a current population of under 2,000. But I digress...
The next thing I remember is me asking Aunt Charlotte how she stayed so young looking. She told me you have to use moisturizer every night. So I have. Always.
Aunt Char likes to hunt for rocks. She took me out to find crinoids. It was awesome that I was able to take my children to hunt crinoids with her.
Aunt Char once told me that when she would get mad or stressed about something, she would just get in the pickup and turn up the music REALLY LOUD and drive REALLY, REALLY FAST.
One of the times that visited Aunt Char as an adult, I had to get up at 0500 to go swim laps with her. When we were kids, we got to go to Thermopolis and swim. In Thermopolis the water is warm. In Greybull, the pool water makes Barton Springs seem like a sauna.
A couple of years later, Aunt Char was driving behind a truck pulling a horse trailer. The horse trailer came unhitched and smashed into Aunt Char. She survived injuries that would have killed someone half her age.
You rock, Aunt Char
I have to put down some memories of Aunt Char for her upcoming birthday celebration in July.
I am sure my whole family has many fond memories 'cause I think Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Wayne were a very popular pair (there were a total of 22 PAIRS of aunts and uncles in my family).
So here it is: Aunt Char and Uncle Wayne would come to visit us from "across the mountain." We lived in Sheridan, Wyoming and they lived in Greybull, Wyoming. Greybull is a 90+ mile drive through the Big Horn Mountains with many a hairpin turn and signs that say "look out for falling rock." My entire family always made a joke out of "Falling Rock" as if we were looking for an Indian... But I digress.
Uncle Wayne was a Brakeman for the Burlington Northern. He made trips all over the western states. Since our house was conveniently located next to the railroad tracks, we ran to wave at every train, always looking to see if the Engineer was Uncle Bill (Waddell - on my mother's side), or if the Brakeman was Uncle Wayne (Adamy - Aunt Char husband, Aunt Char being my father's sister.
I adored Aunt Char. Some of it may have had to do with the fact that I was always told that I was named after Aunt Char. Just the CH part I think, because Cheryl and Charlotte are not the same. Plus, I think my mother got loopy one day listening to Mickey Mouse with her 5 boys, so that when I was born, her first daughter, I got the name: Cheryl! Annette! But I digress...
I have never forgotten what Aunt Char said to me the first time I got to stay overnight (like a week or so) in Greybull. My mother had made a Marilyn Monroe style black and white polka dot dress for me. I know my mom was really proud of her handiwork. But the first thing Aunt Char said when I put that dress on, was: "You look just like a country girl dressed up to go to the City!" Mind you Greybull is a small town with a current population of under 2,000. But I digress...
The next thing I remember is me asking Aunt Charlotte how she stayed so young looking. She told me you have to use moisturizer every night. So I have. Always.
Aunt Char likes to hunt for rocks. She took me out to find crinoids. It was awesome that I was able to take my children to hunt crinoids with her.
Aunt Char once told me that when she would get mad or stressed about something, she would just get in the pickup and turn up the music REALLY LOUD and drive REALLY, REALLY FAST.
One of the times that visited Aunt Char as an adult, I had to get up at 0500 to go swim laps with her. When we were kids, we got to go to Thermopolis and swim. In Thermopolis the water is warm. In Greybull, the pool water makes Barton Springs seem like a sauna.
A couple of years later, Aunt Char was driving behind a truck pulling a horse trailer. The horse trailer came unhitched and smashed into Aunt Char. She survived injuries that would have killed someone half her age.
You rock, Aunt Char
Monday, June 1, 2009
I found a flying ant in the kitchen yesterday. Then one by my bed at bedtime, followed by another. I "captured" them and took a close look to make sure that they were ants and not termites. This morning I caulked the area around an electrical plate that I determined they might have come in through. Next, a review of the outside of the house. No ants on the ground, but I did spread some boric acid anyway... and then!!! They there were, ants, merrily marching up and down the telephone wire into the house/attic. Here is one of them - proof it's an ant, not a termite.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Here is a little pic of my "scaredeer".
This little guy has been in the garage forever. Suzy bought it one autumn or Halloween.
I have almost thrown it away a couple of times. It almost made the garage sale two weeks
ago, but I forgot. Now it has a new use. Look at my beautiful tomatoes - the best I have
ever grown (Suzy started a couple of them - so thanks, Suz!). Anyway, the deer ate the tops
off a few of them, so I put up some poulty netting. Then they reached over the top. So I
added more netting. And just to discourage them a little further, my scaredeer.
79 and counting - I'm melting
My AC was supposed to be fixed yesterday, but they got the wrong part. It can't be done until Thursday because of my schedule. I have been sleeping with all of my windows open and the big patio door. I guess my electric bill will stay low and it really isn't bad at night once I stop moving and lay down and the sweat dries from the fan. The downside of that is the nightmares about murders. On the other hand, my sinuses hurt so bad, the heat is only secondary and anybody who tried to mess with me would probably have a worse day than me.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
The Good News and the Bad News
The BAD news is my AC is broke again and this time it is the compressor. The WORSE news is the part is another $1800. The GOOD news is that it is still under warranty. The BAD news is that labor is $800. The sorta GOOD news is that the company who installed the new AC last year is partly responsible due to overcharging the freon so much that it caused the comprssor to go bad, so they are gonna make me a deal and only charge me $500. No, they didn't offer, I had to get stinky.
In more GOOD news, I plan to lose another 200 pounds this summer. The BAD news about that is that it will probably cost me more than I want to spend.
And in yet more good news, my garage is ALMOST cleaned out.
In more GOOD news, I plan to lose another 200 pounds this summer. The BAD news about that is that it will probably cost me more than I want to spend.
And in yet more good news, my garage is ALMOST cleaned out.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
I didn't get it... at first
NPR. I love listening to NPR. On the way to they gym, they were talking to Paula Dean. She had to get two out of three questions about tofu correct in order for some lucky listener to get Carl Castle on their answering machine. So, to make a long story short, the correct answer was that Colorado did not allow a woman to have this personalized licence plate: IloveTofu. The reason? because it is obscene. Of course I was on the way to teach a class. I had to wait in the p-lot for the answer. I didn't get it until I was half way across the lot. Did you get it?
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
How To Tell a Rotten Egg
Rosie, the red Amerucana was "out" today. When I located her, I also located her nest. She had 5 eggs in a little hollow next to a log and was carefully pushing each egg under her wings. If I ever go crazy and accept one of Dr. Lisa's roosters, Rosie will definitely be my brooding hen.
Here's how to tell the good eggs from the bad eggs: Carefully put all the eggs into a pan and cover with cold water (not iced). The green arrows: I put a brown egg that I know was laid today in the pan so you can see what a newly laid egg should look like in the water. Next to it, the green egg looks pretty fresh. The two eggs with the yellow arrows are not as fresh as indicated by the fact that the ends of the eggs are floating slightly. The egg with the red arrow is on it's end and is the oldest egg and one that I will throw into the compost. As the eggs age, gas builds up and gravitates to one end. If it's a really bad one, it would float. Presuming you were able to get one that bad into a pan of water without breaking it, you better be extra careful because if it does break it will be one stinky mess!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The Butterflys and The Bees
A couple of weeks ago, this is what was happening in the back yard.
These are the early variety of peach
tree. The others have yet to bloom, but I think they have all survived the drought. I gave each of
them water 20 minutes at a time, at a very slow rate at least once a week last year. I explained to these poor trees that they would have to be strong and make it through the drought with only the minimum of assistance from me. So under the stress of drought, they have also had to fend off insects and disease. At least one of the trees has antler scrapings from deer. Anyway, wish I could have gotten a really clear picture of the bees. There were so many and they were so busy. Funny thing that while I was watching these guys, I was talking to my friend Wendy and she knows about bees. She left her beehive at her mother's house and she's thinking about getting into bees again. I encouraged her and promised to split expenses. Do we need a farm???? Oh, retirement, where are you!?
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Yogurt Chickens
Saturday, February 21, 2009
New Outdoor Coop
Here is my new outdoor chicken coop that I completed today. It was a big challenge as the building supply store that carries the right size of chicken mesh, only had two rolls. Then, I didn't buy enough T-posts. I should have used taller ones, but I don't think I could have gotten them in the ground.
Another thing the chickens like: yogurt!! I bought them groats, but they turned up their beaks at the groats. It is so funny to watch them eat the yogurt and see yogurt all over their faces.
Back to the new coop. The other day some stray dogs got in the yard and chased the chickens and nearly ate Rosie. I had to build them a new safe place to stay and give them plenty of room to move. Also, they have been making a mess in the neighbors flower beds by tearing up the mulch, so it's good they are getting locked up before all the tender plants and flowers start coming up.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Okay gang. I have increased my blogging. You may think it is just a fluke. Let's see who is reading. If you read this you are required to vote yes or no. Is the egg in the middle going to be a double-yoker? It's huge! We used to fight over the ones we thought would be doubles. Make your guess/prediction. After I give these eggs to Suz and crew, we will let Retta make the discovery.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Lost and Found
This is what I found when I went to feed the pugs - NO PUGS!!!!
I went looking. The back gate was open. I started down the street and gave a whistle. A lady walking towards me with a large black and white three-legged dog on a leash (how funny that I had just returned from someone else's house with a similar dog): "Are you looking for some Pugs?"
What luck! The nice lady found the pugs roaming around the neighborhood earlier in the day. She posted the found pugs on the neighborhood yahoo group. They bought leashes for the pugs (they had taken them to a pet store (?) because they weren't wearing their leashes and had them checked for chips) and fed them. I went with her to her house and brought the two boys home. Gave them their food - they acted like they hadn't eaten in a week. I also put their collars back on, closed the gate and put a rubber band over the latch. I would have taken them home with me, but I wasn't expecting to do that and knew I wouldn't be able to pug proof my yard in the dark. I promised them some fresh eggs. I am sure Suzy will hook them up, too. Seemed like their dog, Elliot, enjoyed the Pug visit.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day
Suz and crew brought these flowers with them on Wednesday when they came to collect eggs and shoot "Egg Tacos" Retta Show. Totally unecessary, but they sure are pretty! I really appreciate them. I planted three of this variety (not the poppies, but the other one that I forgot the name of) and the deer LOVED them - ripped them right out of the ground and ate off the tops. This is a lovely bouquet and really brightens up the kitchen. And such a cute container, too. Oh, and the chickens, 6 eggs yesterday, 7 today. Some of the girls are laying an egg a day!!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Happy Darwin's 200th Birthday
Here's a link to some important work Darwin did. It is related to Suzy's Christmas present.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I drove to Houston for a meeting. It was less than 30 minutes. At the end of the meeting, what most people were waiting for: "Okay, bar's open!"
I left. My timing was perfect. I listened to weather warnings from about Hruska's. At Brodie, I hit big rain drops. At Monterey Oaks, high wind. At the "Y", wind, rain and visibility of about 2 car lengths. The last time I drove through weather like this (while NOT on duty) was Hurricane Juan (I picked up a soaked, black leather-clad hitchhiker somewhere between NO and BR and dropped him off at Highway 6 and I-10. He had hitchhiked to NO because he had never seen a hurricane before and wanted to see one. Hey it was scary and I needed company and he was scary, but less scary than the storm. But I digress). By the time I got to my front door, it was a nice soft rain.
I left. My timing was perfect. I listened to weather warnings from about Hruska's. At Brodie, I hit big rain drops. At Monterey Oaks, high wind. At the "Y", wind, rain and visibility of about 2 car lengths. The last time I drove through weather like this (while NOT on duty) was Hurricane Juan (I picked up a soaked, black leather-clad hitchhiker somewhere between NO and BR and dropped him off at Highway 6 and I-10. He had hitchhiked to NO because he had never seen a hurricane before and wanted to see one. Hey it was scary and I needed company and he was scary, but less scary than the storm. But I digress). By the time I got to my front door, it was a nice soft rain.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Paul's 40th Bday Camping Weekend Highlights
This is Bjorn. He invited me to fish from his boat. After catching only a small number of too-small-to-keep fish, I repaid him by pulling a boneheaded move. He was a good sport and insisted on a picture before cutting off SOME of the lure. The rest he would remove some 3 hours later.
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