So my AC was fixed yesteday. Just in time for the cool front of 30 minutes followed by warmer air, but at least low humidity.
I have to put down some memories of Aunt Char for her upcoming birthday celebration in July.
I am sure my whole family has many fond memories 'cause I think Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Wayne were a very popular pair (there were a total of 22 PAIRS of aunts and uncles in my family).
So here it is: Aunt Char and Uncle Wayne would come to visit us from "across the mountain." We lived in Sheridan, Wyoming and they lived in Greybull, Wyoming. Greybull is a 90+ mile drive through the Big Horn Mountains with many a hairpin turn and signs that say "look out for falling rock." My entire family always made a joke out of "Falling Rock" as if we were looking for an Indian... But I digress.
Uncle Wayne was a Brakeman for the Burlington Northern. He made trips all over the western states. Since our house was conveniently located next to the railroad tracks, we ran to wave at every train, always looking to see if the Engineer was Uncle Bill (Waddell - on my mother's side), or if the Brakeman was Uncle Wayne (Adamy - Aunt Char husband, Aunt Char being my father's sister.
I adored Aunt Char. Some of it may have had to do with the fact that I was always told that I was named after Aunt Char. Just the CH part I think, because Cheryl and Charlotte are not the same. Plus, I think my mother got loopy one day listening to Mickey Mouse with her 5 boys, so that when I was born, her first daughter, I got the name: Cheryl! Annette! But I digress...
I have never forgotten what Aunt Char said to me the first time I got to stay overnight (like a week or so) in Greybull. My mother had made a Marilyn Monroe style black and white polka dot dress for me. I know my mom was really proud of her handiwork. But the first thing Aunt Char said when I put that dress on, was: "You look just like a country girl dressed up to go to the City!" Mind you Greybull is a small town with a current population of under 2,000. But I digress...
The next thing I remember is me asking Aunt Charlotte how she stayed so young looking. She told me you have to use moisturizer every night. So I have. Always.
Aunt Char likes to hunt for rocks. She took me out to find crinoids. It was awesome that I was able to take my children to hunt crinoids with her.
Aunt Char once told me that when she would get mad or stressed about something, she would just get in the pickup and turn up the music REALLY LOUD and drive REALLY, REALLY FAST.
One of the times that visited Aunt Char as an adult, I had to get up at 0500 to go swim laps with her. When we were kids, we got to go to Thermopolis and swim. In Thermopolis the water is warm. In Greybull, the pool water makes Barton Springs seem like a sauna.
A couple of years later, Aunt Char was driving behind a truck pulling a horse trailer. The horse trailer came unhitched and smashed into Aunt Char. She survived injuries that would have killed someone half her age.
You rock, Aunt Char