Here is my new outdoor chicken coop that I completed today. It was a big challenge as the building supply store that carries the right size of chicken mesh, only had two rolls. Then, I didn't buy enough T-posts. I should have used taller ones, but I don't think I could have gotten them in the ground.

Another thing the chickens like: yogurt!! I bought them groats, but they turned up their beaks at the groats. It is so funny to watch them eat the yogurt and see yogurt all over their faces.

Back to the new coop. The other day some stray dogs got in the yard and chased the chickens and nearly ate Rosie. I had to build them a new safe place to stay and give them plenty of room to move. Also, they have been making a mess in the neighbors flower beds by tearing up the mulch, so it's good they are getting locked up before all the tender plants and flowers start coming up.
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