Saturday, February 14, 2009

Lost and Found

This is what I found when I went to feed the pugs - NO PUGS!!!!
I went looking. The back gate was open. I started down the street and gave a whistle. A lady walking towards me with a large black and white three-legged dog on a leash (how funny that I had just returned from someone else's house with a similar dog): "Are you looking for some Pugs?"

What luck! The nice lady found the pugs roaming around the neighborhood earlier in the day. She posted the found pugs on the neighborhood yahoo group. They bought leashes for the pugs (they had taken them to a pet store (?) because they weren't wearing their leashes and had them checked for chips) and fed them. I went with her to her house and brought the two boys home. Gave them their food - they acted like they hadn't eaten in a week. I also put their collars back on, closed the gate and put a rubber band over the latch. I would have taken them home with me, but I wasn't expecting to do that and knew I wouldn't be able to pug proof my yard in the dark. I promised them some fresh eggs. I am sure Suzy will hook them up, too. Seemed like their dog, Elliot, enjoyed the Pug visit.

1 comment:

Suz said...

I swear I'm going to finally visit this lady tomorrow and return the leashes! I'm also going to make sure we get these dogs out more so my neighbors can recognize them! We took them tot he mailbox on Sunday night and people were saying, "Oh! Those are YOUR dogs ... I didn't know you had pugs." Quite a different experience from Cali where EVERY neighbor knew where these pugs lived!
