In any case, I have to look at my planner to remember what we did on Thursday. I am sure I was asleep when Pierre arrived. The natives were not nice to us at M28. Be advised, if you call me at 0200 because you have a boil on your a__, I am NOT looking at it. I AM NOT a doctor and boils on your butt are not covered in my pre-hospital protocols. Pierre went with me to the gym while I taught Body Pump. Then we met the Johnsons and friends at Zilker for Beauty and the Beast. Before the play started, we walked over to Chuy's for a margarita, ala C&K. (C&K - it was soooo much better than last year). Friday the 4th, I worked. Pierre was fed by Suz and crew and I got my a__ kicked again at work. It was pretty quiet until after the fireworks were over and then people kept rolling their vehicles over and stabbing each other. I got off work at 0400, home and asleep at 0500, up at 0730 and another Body Pump class at Bee Cave at 0815 (Bee Cave crew, you are such a bunch of wet blankets, except for the nice man who said I should be a radio anouncer, "no offense" intended, he said). We stopped by Retta's swim meet on the way to the Farmer's Market. I needed SLEEP. I did. Then I got up and cooked up some steaks and we drank beer and played scrabble in honor of C&K. Here are the results:

I can't read the board! That picture definitely needs to be bigger!!
Rats - I'll try it again tomorrow. I thought you could click on it to make it bigger.
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