See those mountains next to those trees? That is what is left of one heck of a lot of cedar trees. My nice neighbor, John, cut down many trees and then hauled a shredder to his back yard. Between John, a couple of hired hands and myself (much less from me than from anyone else), trees and branches were hauled and dragged to the shredder. Even though I wore long sleeves, long pants, socks over my cuffs, gloves, a hat and showered TWICE with poison ivy soap, I still have stray poison ivy spots and the last vestiges of bruises. That was Memorial Day weekend that we did this. Can you say party?
And then there is the rose bush Cy and Kimberly gave me last year. It is pretty happy in this spot. Since the picture was taken, it produced a TON of blooms, which I did not capture due to other happenings that I will relate later.
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