Sunday, January 20, 2008

How to Make Yogurt

Here is a pic of my yummy yogurt. this is about 3/4 of a gallon of
whole milk. It turned out nice and sweet. You can make it with
any milk, whole, 2%, 1% or fat free. It is so easy and CHEAP.
Make a lot and then substitute it for any recipe that calls for
buttermilk, sourmilk or sour cream. I used in a recipe for Lemon
Pound cake that turned out quite nice. Got the idea for the pound
cake from a Statesman article about a lady who uses pound cake
for her Petit Fours.

2 quarts milk
¼ cup yogurt

Let yogurt come to room temp.
Pour milk into a pan and place over a medium heat. Scald. This takes about 30 minutes or until the milk reaches 200°F. You will know the milk is scalded when there is a film across the top. I never used to use a thermometer and it always turned out just fine. Be careful not to burn the milk. Once scalded, allow to cool to lukewarm (135-140). If the milk is too cold, the culture will not grow and if it is too warm the culture will die.
Pour milk into glass or ceramic bowl, stir in yogurt and set bowl in a warm place (120) for 8 to 12 hours. If you don’t have a warm place, heat your oven to warm, turn off and then place bowl in oven overnight. Some gas ovens are perfect for this as they tend to stay warm. Refrigerate the finished product, which will stay fresh for 1 to 2 weeks. To make thicker, pour into several layers of cheesecloth in a sieve and place over a bowl.

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