This is Beaman. He is a lovely little plant left at my house by Kimberly, Cy's girlfriend. The picture doesn't do him justice, as he is about 6 foot tall and and all stem until the top. I hope to keep him alive and well. He is keeping Suzy's Norfolk Island Palm company.
wow, cheryl, i really like your blog! it's great to hear what you're up to and i can get some of your wonderful recipies. Thanks for taking such good care of Beaman!
Hey Cheryl!
The plant is known as 'Mother Of Millions' because the leaves have those little growths on them that when they fall on the ground they grow into a new plant. It's in the Kalanchoe family but I don't have an exact name for it right now. I love them! Watch out on these upcoming cold nights - it'll freeze away into mushy blackness if it gets too frozen.
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