Alright, here is a pic of the girls. I will TRY to put up a more recent pic as this one was taken a couple of months ago. These little ladies are so awesome. I have seen them eat a snake, chase a squirel and go crazy over cockroaches from the compost pile (kind of creeped me out). I worry about them all the time. I mean ALL. THE. TIME. My girls are also heroes. A couple of weeks ago, I got called into work at 0600 and wasn't able to let them out before work. It was a foggy morning and people could not stop running into each other and sliding off the road into things: included in the mayhem were two wrecks into guardrails, a car sliding under a school bus loaded with high-schoolers, and 3 others not worth recalling. At about 1000, I had permission from the on-duty commander in my area to go to my house to check on my chickens (my house is in the response district of the unit I was called into, or this would NEVER have happened). After releasing the girls, and on our way back to our station, we were first on scene of a rollover that trapped one of the occupants - very close to the house - this would not have happened had we been in station. While not violating HIPPA, I can tell you that although the person was trapped in the wreckage, it was only by a limb, turned out not to be so serious and a complete recovery is expected. Next time, that person will wear a seat belt.