Thursday, March 29, 2007
New Clothes
Yesterday the doorbell rang. This doesn't happen very often, but I expect traffic is going to pick up. Gisselle was at the door. Natalie had brought clothes for Retta and Cliff. This is really great as I am sure when Suz, Paul and the kids arrive, they will have a ton of clothes for the wash. Natalie asked me for directions to Jaime's house. I couldn't give them. I can get to Jaime's house, but I can't tell you how to get there. No worries, though, as I see from Jaime's blog that Natalie made it to her house. I don't know how Natalie had the time to drive clothes around as she is such a prolific blogger. In other news, I found the first scorpion of the season. I chased him around trying to get his photo for you, but he kept running under things. Eventually I decided it would be better to just get rid of him...
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Unexpected Jewels
Maybe this isn't new to anyone else, but...
I was moving things to the storage shed tonight. Of course I was using my handy Petzel headlamp that Suz and Paul gave me for Christmas a couple of years ago. As I was walking back, I saw the most beautiful blue/green, sparkling "lights" all over the ground. The color is spectacular. I moved in closer to the ground for a better look and discovered the diamonds in the rough. I did try to capture the sparkle, but just couldn't do it. Perhaps when Cy and Kimberly are here they will be able to show me how to do it. Anyway, take a look at the creature that has the most beautiful eyes in all the world - at least at night in the glow of an led light.
It's ALIVE!!
Last year, sometime before they left to California, Suzy, Paul, Retta and Cliff planted Cliff's tree. I first attacked the web worms that attacked the tree, picking them off and avoiding any harmful chemicals. Then, during the summer (the long, dry summer), I kept Clifford's tree watered with a trickle from the hose at least every 3 days. The leaves fell off during winter. When things started turning green around here, it seemed like everything, EXCEPT Clifford's tree was alive. The thistle's are almost bushes already! I have checked that tree every day for the past 6 weeks and was starting to think it might not come back. But here it is. The entire tree is about to sprout leaves! Those web worms better watch out!
Monday, March 26, 2007
Okay, so I ordered a tripod in December. Like a dumb A, I didn't open it until last week. It was in two parts. I swear I looked (stupidly) at it for at least 30 minutes trying to figure out how to hook the two parts together. Then I realized that it was broken! I should have opened and inspected it when it arrived. Finally, I have been in touch with the manufacturers and was asked to send them a photo. I am sharing it with you...
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Cycle Team
This is the Cycle Team unofficial photo. Yes, those are Bicycle Sport Shop Jersey's which they donated to us to wear on the EMS Memorial Bike Ride. They also gave us a couple of water bottles and some spare tubes. From right to left:
Randy Vickery, Aaron Langford, Tree Marsoobian, Susan Erwin, myself and Mark Hawkins. I used my new broken tripod to take the photo (I'll tell/show you later). I had forgotten how to set up the auto shoot and of course didn't know where the owners manual was, but thanks to the internet, it took about 2 minutes to figure out!
Monday, March 19, 2007
What is Indoor Group Cycling?
Most gyms have a group indoor cycling program of some kind. Johnny G is probably the best known of these as he created the “spinning” program. Johnny G’s program is so well known that participants often refer to any and all indoor group cycling classes as “spinning” or “spin.” Other indoor group cycling programs are Precision Cycling, RPM, Schwinn, and Reebok to name a few. So what’s the difference? Not all that much. Most programs purport to mimic outdoor cycling and all tout their program as the best for various reasons.
I started teaching group indoor cycling several years ago. I had taken one class when it was first introduced at my local gym in about 1992 and hated it. The class incorporated weights, resistance bands, and push-ups on the bike – crazy! I vowed I would never take another class. When I started teaching group fitness in 2001, however, my manager convinced me that I should teach group cycle. So against my better wishes and with many pre-conceived notions, I signed up. The instructor training was awesome and changed my mind completely. The whole concept of group indoor cycling had changed by that time and it really did feel like I could bring a little outdoors inside.
With all of that said, instructors vary greatly. When looking for a group indoor cycle class that works for you, you will need to ask yourself why you are going. Do you want to be entertained? Want to be in company during your misery? Want to get stronger? Improve your pedal stroke? Improve your cardiovascular capacity? Be indoors when it is too hot/cold/windy/rainy? Know why you are working out indoors to begin with. Try different classes/instructors until you find a good fit. We always recommend that you try a particular class at least three times before you make up your mind. Maybe that seems like a lot of work, but it is well worth it.
Always bring a towel and water bottle to your class. Proper etiquette includes, wiping the bike down when you are done and raising the handlebars and seats. It also includes NOT carrying on a loud conversation with the person next to you. (I don't usually say anything, because everyone assumes I am mean and tough and when I say something it never comes out right. I have been to lots of classes, though, with sweet little instructors who will not hesitate to tell you that you are being rude). If you must answer your cell phone, take it out of the room. Try not to fart in class. If you have really strong BO when you sweat, take a shower before your class and use deodorant. Your instructor will not likely say anything to you if you violate one of these etiquette guidelines, but your fellow serious participants will have you tarred and feathered! If you have an issue, such as a knee problem and know you will not be able to do some of the drills, let the instructor know so they will understand that you are not ignoring them. If you know that you will have to leave early, also good to let the instructor know so that he/she won’t think you are leaving because you didn’t like the class. Finally, the instructor has the responsibility of bringing a class format that fits all fitness levels, but the bottom line is that it is your ride.
I started teaching group indoor cycling several years ago. I had taken one class when it was first introduced at my local gym in about 1992 and hated it. The class incorporated weights, resistance bands, and push-ups on the bike – crazy! I vowed I would never take another class. When I started teaching group fitness in 2001, however, my manager convinced me that I should teach group cycle. So against my better wishes and with many pre-conceived notions, I signed up. The instructor training was awesome and changed my mind completely. The whole concept of group indoor cycling had changed by that time and it really did feel like I could bring a little outdoors inside.
With all of that said, instructors vary greatly. When looking for a group indoor cycle class that works for you, you will need to ask yourself why you are going. Do you want to be entertained? Want to be in company during your misery? Want to get stronger? Improve your pedal stroke? Improve your cardiovascular capacity? Be indoors when it is too hot/cold/windy/rainy? Know why you are working out indoors to begin with. Try different classes/instructors until you find a good fit. We always recommend that you try a particular class at least three times before you make up your mind. Maybe that seems like a lot of work, but it is well worth it.
Always bring a towel and water bottle to your class. Proper etiquette includes, wiping the bike down when you are done and raising the handlebars and seats. It also includes NOT carrying on a loud conversation with the person next to you. (I don't usually say anything, because everyone assumes I am mean and tough and when I say something it never comes out right. I have been to lots of classes, though, with sweet little instructors who will not hesitate to tell you that you are being rude). If you must answer your cell phone, take it out of the room. Try not to fart in class. If you have really strong BO when you sweat, take a shower before your class and use deodorant. Your instructor will not likely say anything to you if you violate one of these etiquette guidelines, but your fellow serious participants will have you tarred and feathered! If you have an issue, such as a knee problem and know you will not be able to do some of the drills, let the instructor know so they will understand that you are not ignoring them. If you know that you will have to leave early, also good to let the instructor know so that he/she won’t think you are leaving because you didn’t like the class. Finally, the instructor has the responsibility of bringing a class format that fits all fitness levels, but the bottom line is that it is your ride.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Mutton Races
I worked the Star of Texas Rodeo tonight. It is an easy gig. We park our ambulance and are there solely for the cowboys. The cowboys are tough and mostly tended to by the Justin Healers. Even when a cowboy gets stepped on, thown in the air, bucked off, or run over and is lying on the ground barely moving, we just stand there until and unless we are summoned. We did not get summoned tonight. One of the events is the Mutton Races. Small children don a helmet and protective vest and are put astraddle a sheep. The sheep takes off running and the tyke holds on as long as he or she can. Tonight, a six year-old girl won the event. At the "award ceremony" she was given a beautiful belt buckle. Before she was handed the buckle, she was asked if she would give, first the clown, then someone else, a kiss on the cheek in exchange for the buckle. They have been doing this for years and they even ask the boys, but I think it is time to dump the practice of asking children to give a kiss in exchange for anything. Tonight's young lady said "no" both times. Clearly, she knew that these two people were strangers. I know you are thinking I am radical in this line, but I really believe this is one of those subtle ways children learn NOT to trust their instincts and at the same time learn it's okay to do something not quite appropriate if the bribe is big enough.
Les Mills Quarterly in Houston
Here I am at the Les Mills Quarterly in Houston. With me are Susan Tolji and Steven Renata, Master trainers from New Zealand. They had the quarterly (quarterlies are opportunities to get fitness ce while getting your ass kicked) at the Post Oak Y. Since I used to teach classes there, it was fun to go back and see a few folks that I know. My friend Cecelia let me spend the night with her. Her house isn't far from the POY, so it was perfect. I stayed up late though, drinking wine and talking, forgetting that I would lose an hour of sleep very soon. Cecelia and her husband Mike both got up early and made me coffee and a little breakfast. Cecelia even packed a couple of cookies and a bottle of water for later in the day. I took a total of five different classes. I could have stayed for two more, but I was pretty tapped out after that. Monday morning, I didn't hurt too bad. As I was driving around Austin, Tonia called me and asked if I could teach her 545pm Body Pump as she was a bit sore after all she did in Houston. I said "no problem" as I bragged (too soon) that I wasn't sore at all. Something happened from the time I got in my car until I got out again - I hurt all over and couldn't believe I had agreed to teach. I had a dentist appointment just before teaching, just a cleaning, but still painful. By the time it was time for me to teach, everything was good again, as my mouth hurt worse than everything else.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Expensive Coffee
My Saturday morning routine is to get off work somewhere around 0600 (we usually don't sleep at all). If we have had a really rough night, I sleep two hours at the station and then head downtown to teach Body Pump to my AWESOME Saturday peeps. But if we can get off at or slightly before 0600, I go home, sleep for 1 and 1/2 hours (reviewing my music on the drive home), make some coffee and then drive downtown for class. Well, this Saturday, I got in the car to leave and as I was picking up my ipod, I dropped it - right into the coffee! There was no rescue, no resuscitation, only recovery of the moribund ipod. Warrenty doesn't cover stupid tricks like that. I did have all of my backup CDs, but the loss of about one hundred playlists was a very costly bummer.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Bubbles in Your Chest
What are bubbles in the chest and how does one get them? They can be subcutaneous emphysema; usually a result of trauma and actually rare. It can be seen with a pneumothorax, (when a lung is punctured due to penetrating trauma). When air leaks under the skin because of trauma, it forms little bubbles. When you push on the skin, it feels like rice krispies or very tiny bubble wrap as the bubbles are pushed through the tissue under the skin. Again, this is usually a sign of a very serious injury. But it can happen as the result of breast augmentation. I don't know how often this happens after breast augmentation, or if the physician warns the patient about this possible occurance. In these instances, it PROBABLY isn't serious, but should still be evaluated. These are some of the things that people call 911 for... of course, only between the hours of 0000 and 0330. It is against the law to call during office hours or to consult your physician after hours. You didn't know all this? Consider yourself duly educated!
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Life is Short. Eternity is Forever.
Such was the Priest's statement today at a funeral service I attended. He was talking about how it could be any of us, at any time; so we ought to live every day like it is our last. No, he didn't mean in wild abandon, but as if what we do matters. I tend to agree with him, although I know I spend a lot of time doing meaningless things. Like cleaning a house that's not very dirty and washing dishes that could wait to be joined by at least a few more. I admire people who make time to spend time with family and friends, go camping and adventuring, take the kids to park or the library or the pool or to dance lessons, have the courage to leave their job (even if only sorta), to travel around the country, and do all of these things FIRST. In all these years of dealing with folks who had just lost a loved one, I never heard one person say, "gee, I wish I would have worked more..." (or cleaned the house, or did the dishes, or watched TV more). No, they all said things more like "I wish I had spent more time with him/her/them." So, yeah, life is short. That's why it's so precious. Spend accordingly.
Monday, March 5, 2007
Please Blow Your Nose In The Bathroom
Subbing a Body Pump class tonight, I heard one of the loudest, most obnoxious, brrooonnk, honnkkk, I think I have ever heard. The class hadn't even started. The young lady was at the very front of the room. She was using paper towels to LOUDLY blow her nose - several times. Her voice was also loud. Everyone clear to the back of the room heard her say, "darn buggers!" I think we still had 5 minutes to spare at the time, so it wasn't like she would miss the start of the class to run to the bathroom. Everyone was staring at her, but I got the impression they were used to this type of behavior from her. I had to work at keeping a straight face and I think the class was possibly more interested to see what my reaction would be. By the time class started, she was in the very front row and there was quite a space around her. She sometimes counted the reps OUT LOUD with much VOLUME. She was often enthusiastic and she even said how much she liked the class afterwards. I did not shake her hand...
Whole Wheat Oatmeal Cookies
Whole Wheat Oatmeal Cookies
1 Cup butter ½ cup brown rice flour
1 Cup firmly packed brown sugar ½ Cup whole wheat flour
½ Cup granulated sugar 1 teaspoon baking soda
2 tablespoons honey 1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 eggs ¼ teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon vanilla ½ teaspoon salt
1 Cup oat flour 3 cups rolled oats
1 cup raisins, cranberries, dried cherries, dates and/or walnuts, pecans or coconut
Beat butter until light and creamy. Add sugar/s and beat again until smooth. Add eggs, vanilla and honey; beat well.
Combine the flours, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt and mix until evenly combined.
Stir the flour mixture into the butter/sugar/egg mixture, and then stir in oats and raisins (or other addition). The cookie dough should be soft, slightly sticky; not too dry. Because flours vary, the amounts above may need to be adjusted. To test, bake a couple of cookies and adjust accordingly. You can bake as soon as the dough is made, or refrigerate up to two days. Bake 10 – 12 minutes at 350. If you want a crispier cookie, bake until they are golden. For a softer cookie, remove from the oven just as the edges are turning brown, leave on cookie sheet for about 1 minute (no more than 2!) and then move to wire rack to cool.
Notes about ingredients:
I use as much organic as I can. I use ONLY real butter, and ONLY real vanilla-extract.
To make oat flour, you can put your whole oats into the blender. Works great. Or you can buy oat flour. Be careful when getting brown rice flour as one brand I saw packed their white rice flour exactly the same. Florida crystals makes great organic sugars, but sometimes the brown sugar can dry. The brown sugar needs to be soft; if it isn’t, just put a small piece of fresh bread in the sealed bag for a day or two and the sugar will be just fine. Finally, most cinnamon is really cassia and you probably won’t find that on the label of any major brand (they don’t have to tell you). Real cinnamon is lighter in color and more delicate in flavor than cassia. Either one works for me. Oh, and the eggs. I try to use good eggs, but I read a while back that the “free range” eggs can come from chickens that aren’t really free range – at least not the way you or I would probably think of free range.
Finally, you can cut the amount of sugar in half in just about any cookie recipe, but the cookies will usually be a lot more crumbly. You can use all brown sugar in this recipe and omit the ½ cup of white sugar, but, I have found that the cookies are then crispier than I like.
1 Cup butter ½ cup brown rice flour
1 Cup firmly packed brown sugar ½ Cup whole wheat flour
½ Cup granulated sugar 1 teaspoon baking soda
2 tablespoons honey 1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 eggs ¼ teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon vanilla ½ teaspoon salt
1 Cup oat flour 3 cups rolled oats
1 cup raisins, cranberries, dried cherries, dates and/or walnuts, pecans or coconut
Beat butter until light and creamy. Add sugar/s and beat again until smooth. Add eggs, vanilla and honey; beat well.
Combine the flours, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt and mix until evenly combined.
Stir the flour mixture into the butter/sugar/egg mixture, and then stir in oats and raisins (or other addition). The cookie dough should be soft, slightly sticky; not too dry. Because flours vary, the amounts above may need to be adjusted. To test, bake a couple of cookies and adjust accordingly. You can bake as soon as the dough is made, or refrigerate up to two days. Bake 10 – 12 minutes at 350. If you want a crispier cookie, bake until they are golden. For a softer cookie, remove from the oven just as the edges are turning brown, leave on cookie sheet for about 1 minute (no more than 2!) and then move to wire rack to cool.
Notes about ingredients:
I use as much organic as I can. I use ONLY real butter, and ONLY real vanilla-extract.
To make oat flour, you can put your whole oats into the blender. Works great. Or you can buy oat flour. Be careful when getting brown rice flour as one brand I saw packed their white rice flour exactly the same. Florida crystals makes great organic sugars, but sometimes the brown sugar can dry. The brown sugar needs to be soft; if it isn’t, just put a small piece of fresh bread in the sealed bag for a day or two and the sugar will be just fine. Finally, most cinnamon is really cassia and you probably won’t find that on the label of any major brand (they don’t have to tell you). Real cinnamon is lighter in color and more delicate in flavor than cassia. Either one works for me. Oh, and the eggs. I try to use good eggs, but I read a while back that the “free range” eggs can come from chickens that aren’t really free range – at least not the way you or I would probably think of free range.
Finally, you can cut the amount of sugar in half in just about any cookie recipe, but the cookies will usually be a lot more crumbly. You can use all brown sugar in this recipe and omit the ½ cup of white sugar, but, I have found that the cookies are then crispier than I like.
Ramp It Up

Added this new ramp to the storage shed in back. One of those crazy projects one gets in their mind and then spends an entire morning doing. Well, I didn't just make the ramp. I also changed the lightbulbs, swept, cut limbs and raked rocks off the path. I put a few things in the shed and plan to move more. I am making room in the garage just in case Suz and Paul need it...
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